Monday, October 29, 2007

The Robot...

I've never really wanted to talk about my robotic project.. because.. it is such a pain in the ass, it has caused so much trouble, it also has created many sleepless nights this semester for us all.. the competition is like a few days away yet things start to fall apart.. clamping servo spoilt, lifting mechanism doesn't work consistently, handyboard overheated.. u name it, i-cute has it (yea, we name it "i-cute", everybody says it's cute and the size is real petite compared to other robots)..
Perhaps luck would help this time.. but i don't think i-cute really has it in the past few weeks.. i can't believe it's that fragile.. i just can't believe this is happening.. i can't believe i'm sad whenever looking at it.. *sigh*

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Old Messages...

I have this old (yet durable) nokia phone which has been accompanying me for quite some years.. it was with me when I graduated from senior high school, when I was in Malaysia, in Singapore, in bintan, in denmark, in singapore again.. u see, how loyal this phone has been.. anyways, since coming back from denmark, my sleeping problem of having to twist and turn for up to 2 hours before sleeping was back! So yesterday, the same thing happened, I couldn’t sleep, I looked at that phone who’s always lying on my bed cos I only used it when my current phone died or when my new phone was stolen last year (shit!).. thought of deleting useless files/messages inside.. I ended up reading the old messages cos the first one actually caught my attention.. =P and I don’t know why I really wanna blog this.. haha..

U might not understand, so don’t try too hard..
“kepot kui.. blm packing tp bs jln2 ke brastagi haha ya udah gw nanya bege dolo.. loe harus ikut meskipun cuma nampang muka 2-3mins”
“diah, td mother theonis salah ngasi info, kalo masuk lewat pizza, lewatilah da shanghai, msk ke kompleks, nampak gedung bulet2, bersinar2.. ntar telpon aja..”
“diah bsr, diah kcl..ntr malam jadi ga? Jam brp kita mulai show? Urutannya kae kmrn ya.. btw diariku tolong diisi haha”
“diah bawa aqua cup ya.. haus.. masukkin ke tas.. haha”

Then I started to read another ones.. (I ended up reading all anyway).. they were all somehow funny when I imagined the person typing those smses….
“ Miz u di!”
“ayang, jam brp jemput gw?”
“happy birthday.. mai kong ce2 liao deh.. semoga bisa dapet uang, cinta.. dan sri darling senantiasa di samping.. muahahaha..”
“sunhong cinta, bae2 dsana..”
“haha ada donk.. Cuma lage sumpek aja haha… ya dah, u have fun, jgn kangen2 ma gw di..”
“di, alamat rumah loe dimane” (after knowing me for like 15 years, what a good friend)
“u at where now ar?”
(she’s just trying to be funny =P)

These were the messages I didn’t even know when would be the next time I got them..
“hi diah, what about having a drink tomorrow evening at six? At quartier latin..”
“hi diah, when will u be in paris? I’ll be there next tues-friday.. we should grab some beers.. see you..”
“my friends and I will be waiting in front of Notre Dame at six sharp, see you there..”

I realized I missed them all so dearly.. I couldn’t help but turn the phone off and delete nothing… laughed instead..

Selamat Hari Raya! Happy Holiday, Happy Weekend! Ciao…