Have u ever wondered why others are so interested in brad pitt’s life but not in yours? Easy. Because he is Brad Pitt and you’re not..
I had this talk with a friend and colleague the other day.. discussed about things happening in the world lately (ritee..).. and we came to a conclusion that some people were just plain narcissistic.. we know, people need to be heard and be seen.. but we wonder, do ppl need to be heard and be seen that much? like a friend said, some are so eager to tell you about what's going on in their life they could even trick u into asking them questions about their life.. (really..? seriously..?)
So, here's the thing, people may not be all that interested in your life, you and your job, you and your partner, you and all the things happening in your life, again, unless you’re Brad Pitt or Beckham.. So, if u feel u're very successful now then glad to hear that.. but then again, that doesn’t mean we’re interested in knowing the details.. if u fail, it's ok, don't commit suicide because we probably don't even have enough time to gossip about u.. the last time we really had this commit-suicide-kinda-talk was only when heath ledger did.. so if u’re not him, stop acting like one..
See, people like us.. we barely have enough time to think about our own life and our closest relatives’ and friends' matters (don’t forget that on top of that, we still have all those interesting news on brad pitt & co.).. we just somehow, somewhat do not have enough time to be such busy-body checking out your lives.. don't be upset, this is just truth.. if we're interested, we'll ask.. even if we ask, that doesn't necessarily mean we're interested.. so please stop tricking people into asking or hearing about ur life.. we’re afterall human, we can be exhausted too..
Seriously, after realizing how annoying this could be.. let's start over if u ever thought i did such trick before, i swear it was never intentional.. ;P