I actually have many things to write because a lot have been going on (yea right...).. like the graduation and trips and all that..but for now, let me just write this instead..
This is what i’ve learned about people's behaviour.. and i know a thing, or even two or three things about it.. some people swing their arms so much and so hard while walking, it hurts others.. i understand, we need to swing our hands for biomechanical efficiency whatsoever.. i know left leg forward right arm backward and that’s how the torque from body and legs counter each other.. but seriously, here are the blatant truths u probably need to know, u take much more space when the arms are swung that hard and that much, u even hit people sometimes and when u walk like that, u totally lose ur cool..
When driving, do not continually step on the brake.. the brake is not there for u to tone ur muscles.. and not there to make me throw up my lunch.. seriously, if u like to stop that often, take the bus.. and if u like to speed up yet aren’t sure how to stop at the right time, don’t even start driving.. don’t step on the brake and change ur mind, and then step on it again, and change ur mind.. fiuhhh.. like ellen said, “nobody said they’re bad drivers – especially the bad drivers”
Not talking is quiet but whispering is not.. covering ur mouth with a menu draws even more attention just like whispering does.. it forces us to pay attention because whatever is being said has gotta be interesting and scandalous..
I’ll write more when i see more.. ciao.. =P