Disneyland was so much fun it reminded me of Legoland in denmark.. foods on the street somehow tasted way better than the restaurants’ (or maybe it’s the fun that counted).. exactly the same time last year, i promised not to travel in hot hot summer yet i did it again..
People say hong kong is a place to shop, and yes they’re right, if u think they’re wrong, u’re just on the wrong spot so keep walking keep looking.. i promise u pretty much found any designer brands u couldn’t even see in Singapore..
Overall, the trip was like a breath of fresh air.. =P
Look at the crowd! the night's always young in Hong Kong

The Little Mermaid

wow~ di HK brp lama???
bknnya shopnya byk tp hrs pintar2 tawar? ga begitu murah jg kan?
How is life? :)
di HK, hm.. like 5 days.. yea we could bargain at the ones in the market.. mksd gw yg di mall gituh, not market, i mean hkg has lotsa brands and even more items for same brands we have in spore.. hehe..
btw wi, hows life? havent heard from u for so longggg.. hehe i'm good anyway.. working now..
lo yg tiba2 menghilang... wah~ semua uda pada kerja... ketinggalan T_T uda lama bgt ga ke HK :( disneylandnya enak ga? lo foto pake camera apa? bagus! :P
diahhh.. I miss HK too!!!!T____T I was there for 6 days n until now.. I still miss HK very very muchh..
huhu~~ but the disneyland is abit too small.. but.. still fun kan? kan? hahaha.. T___T
dewi --> disneyland was okay.. as in, it wasn't as incredible as other disneylands.. but it was fun to be there! there was a parade, kinda cute to see all the disney characters..
queenz --> kiraen sapa queen queen.. haha yep, i liked it.. thought it was fun too.. btw when r we catching up?
diah, lu kek menghilang kemana ajaa.. ayuk kita ketemuuuuu.. kok lu gk pernh nongol lg di msn????
oke, ayo lah ketemu.. haha.. oh skrg jrg msn krn.. krn apa yah... krn either malas atau ga ada wkt chatting kale ya.. hahaha i'll sms u deh
buset... sangkin sibuknya sampe ga ada wkt msn yah? :/ wa jg uda jarang seh... hahaha.. tv selalu ada satu dua yg bagus seh...
see, loe jg sama.. jd males chatting.. socializing can be done in other places anyway, there are so many other things to do online.. contoh, i'd rather go youtube and laugh watching hilarious ellen degeneres (fyi i've just been so into her show in the past 1 year plus)
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