There have been too many things in my mind lately.. the things that should be done, the shouldn’ts, the things that I can’t shake off my mind, the things that make me happy n sad, the things that I miss so badly..
Things happen for reasons.. I kinda believe in this saying now.. what used to be too hard for me to comprehend have actually started to tell one by one.. I miss some of my pasts yet I don’t wanna turn back time.. I kinda like the world I’m living in at this moment yet I keep comparing the past and the present..
Whenever I talk, wherever I go, whomever I meet.. I keep wondering why things can be that different in two places.. the things they ask, the things they’re interested in, the things they enjoy, the personality.. even trivial remarks they pass to me are so different.. just one question, why?
U may see me smile and laugh but I really hate myself for endlessly comparing my life in
Every so often, I even laze about and lose the direction of what I’m supposed to do.. Monday to Friday, morning to evening, I seem to have plenty of time yet I find myself so lack of time.. I’ve spent half of this semester worrying about my passport which is expiring soon yet the indo embassy doesn’t allow me to renew, I go back and forth trying to convince them and do whatever it takes.. how can I not miss
Well, this is what happens when people mix two worlds in one life.. we just can’t have both.. and for once, I feel that my life has been pretty messy…
I’m loving this blog.. I feel relieved after writing this.. =P
Anyways, it was such a great experience to freelance as an interpreter in Batam.. stayed in a decent resort, ate decent foods that we've been craving for.. and nice outing too! =P
Holiday Inn Batam Resort and Delima Seafood..

how come when u say it, I'm sensing like u dont feel like u belong there? o crap.. that sucks.
and those embassy ppl n supervisors just seem really 'bo penting'. dunno how to put it in other words more descriptive than 'bo penting'. haha.. like there's nothing more important to do. blah!
and what's more horrendous is that I'm waiting to go there. eager-freaking-ly. ironic is it?
anyway the place looks cool. the food(esp the meat) looks good. the people look like enjoying themselves. ^^
haha yea.. some things are ironic.. anyways, yesh! good food! good place to stay too!
u miss Denmark? sorry to hear that >_< but you know... there is always 'something' in wherever place we lives... there is always great people too ;) hang in there!
wi..?where have u been? lama nga kedengaran kabarnya... huehe..
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