Wednesday, December 10, 2008
New Blog
So, check it out here
Thursday, November 06, 2008
The Trip...
Surabaya was surprising.. I mean, I was really surprised by the extraordinarily dry and hot weather.. also surprised by the food which was excellent.. the trip was pretty much like my nowadays infrequent visit to hometown.. everything was so well-provided, from food to transportation to accommodation..
Speaking of being braver.. I survived staying alone in a pretty big-ass room for more than 10 nights and I am very proud of that..=P when the receptionist said “ur room is a business room, number blah3.. “ I was like “what?!? I’m gonna be alone in the room so I prefer a junior room, the standard one.. can u please exchange that for me ?” receptionist: “sorry, no, we ran out of junior room..”
I was very disappointed and scared.. but u know, it's kinda true actually when ppl say that the thought is always scarier than the reality? turned out, it wasn’t that bad afterall.. my imagination did run wild a couple of times at night but since I had been avoiding watching horror movies and listening to ghost stories… I was doing just fine in the end.. =P
We made visits to places like House of Sampoerna and the active volcano Mount Bromo; watched sunrise, climbed up to see the crater and me rode a horse (ehem).. bfore I went there, one of my colleagues warned me that it’s very cold up there, around 5 degrees C.. I didn’t totally believe that inside my heart (who knew there was such a cold place in Indonesia?) so I bravely went there with a thin scarf ard my neck and lecture-theatre-jacket, if u know what I mean.. Jan, from Bangkok did it even more bravely, by wearing only a t-shirt covered with a shirt.. and there we were, shaking like nobody’s business.. I could assure u it was definitely below 10 deg C… damn..
many thanks to Ida for bringing us around!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Oktoberfest 2008...
There was a celebration of company’s Oktoberfest at Swiss Club last weekend.. and just like the way I expected it to be, there were lots of german foods (sausages, pork knuckles, roasted ox, breads, potatoes, u name it!), lots and lots of beers, coupled with bavarian-style live music and performances.. the tent could probably accommodate more than 5,000 people, there were other german companies who came to celebrate too like lufthansa and DHL.. down there in munich, the typical oktoberfest-tent (Hacker-Festzelt as they call it) could actually accommodate a lot more.. around 6 millions of people attending it in fact, definitely much more happening I reckon.. Here are some pictures we took...
The day before we're all like wondering what to wear and finally decided on "rainbow color" theme.. in the end apparently, boss' wife made the matching t-shirts for us.. these are some of us..

This is pretty much how the tent looks like.. and when we saw how big the crowd was, we're like nodding and "oh yea, that's what the matching t-shirts are for.."
I'll be on my very first work-trip in a few days time till the end of october, which pretty much excited me but i guess i'm chickened out over staying alone in a hotel room... i know! don't laugh.. so, till then peeps, take care...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
One thing they have in common..
now, if u feel offended bcos every morning apparently, u pretty much do the same thing.. here's an advice u'd probably like to hear.. it is okay not getting a seat in the bus/train!! seriously, u'd be sitting the whole day from 9 to 5 anyway.. and the good thing abt not being so irritating is that, u can eventually have a peace of mind for not worrying about not getting a seat later in the bus/train once u wake up..
but for those who are very good at pretending to be asleep once u get the seat so that u're not obliged to give ur seat to those with special needs! whoever u are, good luck, what goes around comes around..
see, this is one example why i couldn't get what some ppl are thinking sometimes..
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Trip to Hong Kong...
Disneyland was so much fun it reminded me of Legoland in denmark.. foods on the street somehow tasted way better than the restaurants’ (or maybe it’s the fun that counted).. exactly the same time last year, i promised not to travel in hot hot summer yet i did it again..
People say hong kong is a place to shop, and yes they’re right, if u think they’re wrong, u’re just on the wrong spot so keep walking keep looking.. i promise u pretty much found any designer brands u couldn’t even see in Singapore..
Overall, the trip was like a breath of fresh air.. =P

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Truth is...

I actually have many things to write because a lot have been going on (yea right...).. like the graduation and trips and all that..but for now, let me just write this instead..
This is what i’ve learned about people's behaviour.. and i know a thing, or even two or three things about it.. some people swing their arms so much and so hard while walking, it hurts others.. i understand, we need to swing our hands for biomechanical efficiency whatsoever.. i know left leg forward right arm backward and that’s how the torque from body and legs counter each other.. but seriously, here are the blatant truths u probably need to know, u take much more space when the arms are swung that hard and that much, u even hit people sometimes and when u walk like that, u totally lose ur cool..
When driving, do not continually step on the brake.. the brake is not there for u to tone ur muscles.. and not there to make me throw up my lunch.. seriously, if u like to stop that often, take the bus.. and if u like to speed up yet aren’t sure how to stop at the right time, don’t even start driving.. don’t step on the brake and change ur mind, and then step on it again, and change ur mind.. fiuhhh.. like ellen said, “nobody said they’re bad drivers – especially the bad drivers”
Not talking is quiet but whispering is not.. covering ur mouth with a menu draws even more attention just like whispering does.. it forces us to pay attention because whatever is being said has gotta be interesting and scandalous..
I’ll write more when i see more.. ciao.. =P
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
The "Experience Machine"...

(Robert Nozick, in J. Glover, ed., Utilitarianism and Its Critics, p.58)
The lecturer's question was, "Do you hook up?"
and i'm just bored... ciao =P
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
On bad days...

I twist and turn on my bed, instead of sleeping tightly, some things come across and scare the hell out of me.. these 3 months have been the fastest so far, with a fine repetition each and every single day and night, I almost give up..
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
My 22nd...

and now I want to depressingly say something out loud ......
" I am OLDDDD!!!"
Thursday, March 06, 2008
One evening in Paris...

Andreas, Sarah and I were walking around Quartier Latin, looking for a nice place to sit and drink.. We found this place called Beamish, they even had outdoor seats and beer promotion.. perfect it was.. we sat, ordered some drink and started to chat.. Andreas started to talk about how he honestly didn’t think he would still be in touch with any of us because it simply just couldn’t be possible, very honest yet can’t be more correct, I agreed with him.. sarah talked about how much she’d really love to stay in france because she spoke the language fluently after being there for one year.. and there I was, talking about how afraid I was to go back to reality..
Today's dinner simply gave me back the feel.. with a bunch of nice people, complete home-cooked meal, wine and jazz.. fantasy, eventually, is heartbreaking..
Oh btw, A Very Happy birthday to Marlinnn!! Ciao.. =P