Whatever questions came to my mind.. unfortunately, the answers to myself seemed to be a YES.. that was upsetting..
Let’s take a very simple example of ourselves.. certainly there should be a time when u feel that u really need to start studying again or quit working, switch jobs, get out the city or worse, break up with ur current girl/boyfriend.. i’m expecting u to nod when u read this.. sorry to say that everybody does that, including myself at times.. we’d say out loud to the world that we’re just bored!!
I remember I was so happy being admitted to NUS.. so glad to go to lectures in the first week of school.. and BANG! On the fourth week, I found myself skipping classes, overslept and did all those sinful stuffs, until only god-knows-when.. I just wasn’t that excited anymore.. there’s no more engine to drive me “alive”..
Somebody told me, if we really think abt it.. actually there’s something special about being bored.. if in the first place u never have that thing u’re bored of, how on earth will ever be bored of it? and if u come to lose it, u may want it back again, not so soon but u may one day.. more often than not, we just don’t realize that we’re sick of the thing we once wanted so badly.. remember how cruel life was when u’re unemployed? And how blissful life was when u got ur first job interview? but how bored u are now in the office complaining at the same time? We simply take many many things for granted..
I guess he’s true.. it may be harder to see things that way.. but I say it is something worth looking at..
Till then.. Ciao.. =)