Imagination has always been better than everything else, apparently and unfortunately I'm obviously not that type..
The good thing about summer in denmark, according to my experience was that, there's cooling wind apart from the bright sun.. but speaking of summer in italy, it was an "Ohh.. My.. God..".. (with Janice's voice and hand gesture =P) it was on average of 35-37 deg Celsius in daytime.. I mean, how hot was that..
A good traveling mate, nice weather, enough money to splurge.. three things to look at for having a perfect trip.. overall my trip was awesome.. like, I was glad to meet some friends again in other countries and to meet a lot of new people in hostels.. besides I kinda have got the momentum for traveling in europe.. for instance, the number of metro lines in big cities like Paris might be much more than what I've seen before.. but really, things turned out to be easier than I thought it would be.. and it wasn't as hard as said to find English spoken people, even in Spain.. so i was glad that things ended up well.. I sucked at map, but way much better after 3 weeks of wandering around alien cities with that thing.. =P
Perhaps ones of the unpleasant things would be the number of misunderstandings between my traveling mate and i.. and some unfriendly people that we bumped into, esp in Italy.. I mean, some of them could be really nasty.. the weather was extremely hot, I was unquestionably emotionally unstable.. basically I talked back, even to an officer.. well, I just couldn't believe I still had that part of me left inside.. haha..
Speaking of money, I'll be damned if I complain here.. although the amount wasn't that big enough to give me everything I wanted bcos I'm just human with a lot of needs =P.. it's at least enough to pay for all the necessary stuffs..
I had a thought after my trip, I realized there's one thing I actually hated all these while..
There are definitely some "great" people in this world, I know that.. the type that's so influential.. they change ur whole belief in a second.. I mean, even if that happens, or even if it happens bcos u're blindly in love with him/her.. look again at the person in front of u, a friend that u're talking to.. the person that u've known more than just one or two weeks.. is there really no way to just give a little respect? I just hate it the most to suddenly hear something from my friend that doesn't sound like her talking.. i'd deliberately drop the topic, refuse to listen further, that's what i do.. so i really hate it i suppose..
orrgghh.. u've been in paris.. rasanya gmn? gemetaran mo pipis ga wkt petama sampe? gyahaha..
ada bliin kaos i love paris g? klo ada gw sayang, klo ga ada gw g sayang..
iya perlu pipis krn dingin bgt di pswt and ga sempat ke toilet.. hahahaha.. sialan.. no good I love paris t-shirt.. yg ada you love paris dgn bahan material ala olimpia.. ane bai.. jd ga beli.. ga sayang ga usah ambil ole2 dr gw ok? haha
wow... she must have said something that offended you that you can actually feel the 'hate' inside you XD
oh well... here, when I don't particularly interested in the convo, i just pretend i listened then as soon as s/he stopped, i went away XD HAHA one of my friend even worse, she listen blankly, just nodding her head .
anyway, since have more good experience than bad, i guess i can conclude that you have an very good time there ;)
sayang kog, sayang.. =P
wi --> i don't wanna give the impression that sth is agreeable if i'm against it.. anyways, i really did have good time over there in europe.. hehehe..
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