It was only at Hui Jeong's bday party and Nic's farewell dinner that I came to realize it.. that was our jokes which were meant to be funny but turned out making nic's eyes teary that made my mind wandered to some thoughts later on.. going back to old life being put aside, sadder is to leave what is here right here right now.. the feeling to know that this place will no longer be the same place at the second u leave.. the people will no longer lead the same life as that when u know them.. even if u step back to this city again one day, u know u will never get the same kind of feeling anymore… this is only for once.. and that's what makes it sad the most..
Maybe I don't make the bestest friendships ever, but to have some people who try to get to know me more without any prior judgment.. and simply happily make dinner together with me and cheer me up without them realizing it, that's what makes my days.. Maybe biking around the city isn't as cool as driving a car, but I truly enjoy the experience of listening to my ipod, breathing fresh air at the same time.. Maybe I don't act as I always used to act, but that, I would say, is one of the most enjoyable things to be done.. So, this memory is precious to me..
Six years ago, even though I did not cry at that time.. there was one saddest farewell in my life.. and when that feeling seems to rush back again.. I know, this is going to be something that I should overcome with grief at the end of the day..
Starting all over again, again, maybe?

Treasure the memories!!! ;)
Cry if you can't hold it any longer...
it's sad but it's life
i always read ur blog, and u really have a nice life there
farewell sometimes seems hurt, but its the only way to taste the sweetest things in life call memories ;p
where are going back to?
back to singapore?
dewi --> haha serius amat loe.. sedinya belon nyampe tahap nangis kayanya.. hehe..
sumilo --> hm.. hehe.. u're right.. what's left now is the memory.. btw, me going back to sg.. but not this soon.. end of july perhaps.. i'll be traveling a bit first to see some friends and cousin.. hehe..
LOL.. diah is just not a gal who cry easily ;p
I'll be staying in sg after my convo mid of aug
cu there later..
hik.. i hate farewells..
Yap, me too. I hate farewell. Remember, when you left me in USM, I cried terribly... T_T My heart hurts seeing you left me in airport that time. . .
walau e! ane bo perasaan e lo =/
post a blog if you have reached SG!
cause right now, I have no clue where you are @_@
sumilo --> ok, i think ur sis has my number.. and i haven't got to see her too.. so i'd love to meet u both then..=)
xiao mei2 --> i read ur blog, kena tilang yah? i'll teach u some stuffs later when we meet ;) haha..
jacq --> that's one thing i always feel sorry about.. haha.. to leave u just like that.. hahahaha..
wi --> yea.. i'm going back soon.. now in germany anyway..
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