In this life, I suppose there'd be a time when we feel that we never know a man can be that happy, or vice versa.. when parents have their very first kid, most probably, they're at their happiest time ever.. the kind of happiness that's just beyond imagination.. but there'd also be a time when we think we never know that a man can be that sad, the kind of sadness that breaks our limit.. disappointment? Large-scale failures? A broken heart? U name it…
The unpredictable life is interesting.. yet at some points, depressing.. even an expected thing can bring us such kind of catastrophe we never expect to happen before.. perhaps we just don't realize the fact that as long as we breathe, we have hopes,.. and the thing is, even a tiny little hope is enough to bring us to our lowest.. and then, how if people say that u're too rational as a person? Even so, there's this small belief knows that there's no person who's fully rational..
We're just human.. we have imagination.. there are times when we could make the world appear better than what it is in reality by our own ways of looking at things.. and if it's easier to do it like that, why not? but sometimes, it's about this thing that we want so much it hurts.. it hurts solely bcos we know we can't have it.. and the saying that 'nothing is impossible' hurts us even further at a later stage.. it's a matter of that tiny little hope that lingers on.. when a 1% of hope is struggling to be bigger than the remaining 99%.. chances are, we're hurting ourselves..
So some say we better live for today.. the question is, who doesn't want? if only the thing that will happen tomorrow has nothing to do with what happens today, we would really love to live only for today.. why not? it's such a bliss to do that, in the sense that, it's healthy to put aside some things and delay the thoughts of them.. but the thing is, it's only when u know u will not live tomorrow that living only for today is making sense..
Just a small thought of mine.. =P
Anyways, here are the pictures of our pizza evening.. we tried to make some pans of pizza, but since the whole process would take quite a long time, instead of making the dough ourselves, we bought the ready-made ones..

It's pretty obvious there are some luxuries that i'd never get to do during the exam period in nus.. hmmm.. actually it's bcos next exam is still far far away.. =P Ciaoo..
The unpredictable life is interesting.. yet at some points, depressing.. even an expected thing can bring us such kind of catastrophe we never expect to happen before.. perhaps we just don't realize the fact that as long as we breathe, we have hopes,.. and the thing is, even a tiny little hope is enough to bring us to our lowest.. and then, how if people say that u're too rational as a person? Even so, there's this small belief knows that there's no person who's fully rational..
We're just human.. we have imagination.. there are times when we could make the world appear better than what it is in reality by our own ways of looking at things.. and if it's easier to do it like that, why not? but sometimes, it's about this thing that we want so much it hurts.. it hurts solely bcos we know we can't have it.. and the saying that 'nothing is impossible' hurts us even further at a later stage.. it's a matter of that tiny little hope that lingers on.. when a 1% of hope is struggling to be bigger than the remaining 99%.. chances are, we're hurting ourselves..
So some say we better live for today.. the question is, who doesn't want? if only the thing that will happen tomorrow has nothing to do with what happens today, we would really love to live only for today.. why not? it's such a bliss to do that, in the sense that, it's healthy to put aside some things and delay the thoughts of them.. but the thing is, it's only when u know u will not live tomorrow that living only for today is making sense..
Just a small thought of mine.. =P
Anyways, here are the pictures of our pizza evening.. we tried to make some pans of pizza, but since the whole process would take quite a long time, instead of making the dough ourselves, we bought the ready-made ones..
The making process...

How the pizzas looked like after baked... and they're all tasty.. =)

see I kinda noe what u mean by the 1 being bigger than 99.. it's when we start pretending there's a hope despite all the truth being pointed out.
well I've started to form a new mindset lately, it's to think of whatever results that come from today's deeds tomorrow, as tomorrow's new things to deal with.
so it's pretty much like eating 4 slices of pizza today n worrying not until my next weight-weighing next week. well that sounds like settle eveything. hehe =P
but that only works for ME, NOW, cos I'm not exams or homework-burdened, I'm jobless(except ironing kk's clothes, last week.) n I have nothing to do except thinking of what i'm gonna eat n do tomorrow hehehe.. so watever i'm doing today has nothing to do with tomorrow.
how come when I write it, it sounds pathetic? hoho..
dunno why I comment on u this long but I think I really need n want to write, but my shitty blog just keeps on failing me with error messages n boring empty pages. like it's even cute..
o well..i miss my old life..
anyway the pizzas look good. promise me to make me one of those later,ok?
hehe.. ok.. i'm gonna make one later.. hopefully the dough is sold.. the rest is pretty easy.. =)
yo, diah!! my 1% of hope could never be bigger than 99%... you know what i am talking about right? hmm, yeah, all along, i kept holding on to that 1% of hopw, hoping that some miracle could happen...and now, i just felt that i've lost bayangin aja,tiap hari gue cuma bisa nangis .. hahaha.bisa jadi pemaen pilem korea deh gue.. hahahaha... makanya, lu cepetan balik sini man!! and bikinin gue pizza and sushi!!! huhuhuhuhuhuhu
haha nangis aja sepuas2nya (asal jgn telpon jam 3pagi lg), super kuat jg (biar dimarain ttangga loe).. ntr uda cape berenti sndri, trus pst ketawa2 ngeliat kebegoan sndri.. hahaha.. gw jnj loe brenti nangis gw bikinin pizza n sushi as rewards for the new achievement of getting over bhow.. hahahaha eh si nenek uda mau kelar ujiannya, uda mo jln2 lage dia.. gw masi lamaaa man.. uda yah.. jgn korea2an lah.. biasa aja.. =P
so true that what you said hurt! aiyo~ so what to do?! give some suggestions! we can't live today without thinking of tomorrow but that also means we can't fully enjoy today?! (or is it just me that tend to spend too much time when the thought of tomorrow comes into my mind?! haha :P)
I want your home-made pizza!!!
yea.. let's make pizza when we meet.. hehe.. =P
can we can we? i never made one before... here, have lots of frozen pizza! hahaha
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