Do u know what is it that has always been misunderstood by people most of the time? That there's a fine line between putting ourselves in others' shoes and putting others in our shoes.. think abt it, what's often done is the latter one.. but ppl always claim themselves doing the former one.. and they actually end up guessing the reaction of others based on how they're going to react..
So, instead of "if I were to be him", it becomes "if he were to be me"… but they don't really realize it, do they? Of course sometimes it does happen that people do the same things as we think they would.. but very often they don't.. each of us has different attitudes towards problems.. I don't necessarily react to something in the same way u will react.. and I don't attack people in the same way some people usually do.. again, just another thought of mine u see..
Anyways, I'm done with my last paper this morning.. I must say I'm quite confident abt it.. =P so, things are pretty much getting lighter, 3 exams done, just 1 final project presentation left.. not so pressurizing even though it's quite big bcos we work with a Danish company.. but then an email from NUS swooped in my life hunting me, FYP (Final Year Project) list was out! I was completely clueless scrolling through hundreds of projects with alien terms.. I tried to narrow down my options by eliminating those from madness namely fluid mechanics, bioengineering, control and applied mechanics.. I'm pretty keen on the projects from manufacturing.. but material science and energy & bio-thermal will do too.. I'm confusing u, am I not? well.. bcos I myself am confused too.. wrong move and I'll be suffering for a year.. it's not funny, it's concerning in fact.. btw, enough abt school.. =P
Ela, my polish friend, said "I was so caught up with project within the last three days.. I need nature now.. nature, please.." and there we were.. biking in a forest area.. nothing beat the feeling of breathing fresh air of the nature.. the smell of flowers and greens was terrific.. we speeded up as fast as we could.. the fresh air and beautiful view were just great..
Have I told u, nothing is perfect, but the nature somehow is..
Emel and I went to Rosengårdscenteret, a shopping place at the other side of the city.. and to Bilka (sort of a huge supermarket) to buy some foods bcos emel wanted to cook Turkish dish.. we tried making a chocolate cake too.. =P (yea, I definitely gain weight).. well, I'll just let the pictures talk..

So, instead of "if I were to be him", it becomes "if he were to be me"… but they don't really realize it, do they? Of course sometimes it does happen that people do the same things as we think they would.. but very often they don't.. each of us has different attitudes towards problems.. I don't necessarily react to something in the same way u will react.. and I don't attack people in the same way some people usually do.. again, just another thought of mine u see..
Anyways, I'm done with my last paper this morning.. I must say I'm quite confident abt it.. =P so, things are pretty much getting lighter, 3 exams done, just 1 final project presentation left.. not so pressurizing even though it's quite big bcos we work with a Danish company.. but then an email from NUS swooped in my life hunting me, FYP (Final Year Project) list was out! I was completely clueless scrolling through hundreds of projects with alien terms.. I tried to narrow down my options by eliminating those from madness namely fluid mechanics, bioengineering, control and applied mechanics.. I'm pretty keen on the projects from manufacturing.. but material science and energy & bio-thermal will do too.. I'm confusing u, am I not? well.. bcos I myself am confused too.. wrong move and I'll be suffering for a year.. it's not funny, it's concerning in fact.. btw, enough abt school.. =P
Ela, my polish friend, said "I was so caught up with project within the last three days.. I need nature now.. nature, please.." and there we were.. biking in a forest area.. nothing beat the feeling of breathing fresh air of the nature.. the smell of flowers and greens was terrific.. we speeded up as fast as we could.. the fresh air and beautiful view were just great..
Have I told u, nothing is perfect, but the nature somehow is..
Emel and I went to Rosengårdscenteret, a shopping place at the other side of the city.. and to Bilka (sort of a huge supermarket) to buy some foods bcos emel wanted to cook Turkish dish.. we tried making a chocolate cake too.. =P (yea, I definitely gain weight).. well, I'll just let the pictures talk..

nenek diah!! gendut dari mana nya?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? masi as kurus as ever gitu!! hahahahahahahahaha, gue neh yang udah membabi!! huhuhuhu... man, gue pengen makan makanan enak man...then entar pas kita di study room n udah bosan dgn makanan pgp, lu bisa masak buat kita2 man.. hehehehehe.. anyway, kapan ujian lu selesai??? udah pilih FYP nya belon??
gw hrs nunggu sampe akhr bulan nih.. FYP yeh.. ms bingung.. sblm si nenek brgkt jln2 gw discuss ama dia di telpon.. tp ttp aja kita ber2 takut salah milih.. haha btw gw ama dia beda interest but for now, uda ada bbrp yg kita anggap lmyn mnarik... hehe..
for your FYP, will you be working under one supervisor? is the supervisor dependent on the topic you are going to choose?
hey! how come you get to eat lots of DAMN GOOD FOOD! and from what I see, you are getting better in cooking :) so! when will I get the chance to try your cooking? haha :P
bilka is .. an old supermarket in surabaya (not huge, but cheap) :p
baru bisa milih 4 nih, blm bisa dapet 8. bingung
dewi --> normally we work under 1 supervisor.. a supervisor handles a few projects.. for some projects, we have to work under 2 supervisors, but it's very rare.. there are some that need to work together with phD students under the same supervisor..basically it depends on which project we get..
so! when will I get the chance to try your cooking? haha :P ---> when will u be back?? =P
van --> apa aja? shrsnya loe milih yg seah kar heng yah.. cocok gt bikin2 mobil.. haha gw sih demen yg pk solidworks without programming.. lyd demen winoto n si lalat tse2.. asal hdp kita kaga suram aja uda ok lah ya.. hahaha..
ah! similar to ours then... i don't know about you, but here, supervisor plays a BIG PART! so better get a damn good supervisor. My supervisor is really good :P the topic is not great though (you know what my topic is) but yeah... just want to say, don't just look at the topic, think of who you want to work with too :)
i am going back the end of this year... are you going back too? if not, then i should consider staying in Singapore :) no... not transit! but STAYING for couple of days if POSSIBLE (more like if allowed!) hahaha...
the supervisors are mostly lecturers and they're all good.. we just need to avoid the nasty ones.. hehe.. tentatively, i decide not to go back in dec, so u should stay in sg... (kl cuma bbrp jam gt ya wi.. jgn contact kita lg lah..haha) eh, bonyok loe prnh liat muka gw and edina kan? masa ga dkasi?? hahaha..
they have to pay for my stay, remember! HAHAHA... need some persuasion ;)
ah~ all good? very nice! well, ours are good but some are really good, in particular :P HAHA
PULANG LAR!!! bulan JAN!!! PLEASE >_<
kaenya kl imlek gw pengen blk, imlek itu di januari ga?? pst ga tau krn masi lamaaa bgt.. haha eh u can stay with us.. yah paling tdrnya aga mesra dikit gt kan gpp.. hahaha..
iya imlek donk! kalo ga sala... awal Feb. masi lama bgt! haha...
yah ntar liat deh :P
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