Time is really flying.. before I know it, I’m almost in the middle of the year.. recently, the thought of going back to spore is somewhat disturbing.. I think I’ll be very reluctant when it comes..
I mean, why not escape forever? (people, not in committing suicide kinda way ok =P).. well, I do miss my siblings and maybe some people.. but pardon my honesty.. apart from that, there’s almost nothing that I’m really looking forward to.. once, I was taught so many things at the same time I didn’t even know how to get up.. no other words could better describe the idea of throwing myself back to the same old thing except.. painful.. it is simply painful..
But I think I should have learnt some stuffs here, shouldn’t i? maybe I just don’t know how much it is and how much I have changed within this half a year… People say u just need to stand at a higher place and from there u will find urself looking at things from different angles..
By the by, let’s drop this and see some pictures.. =P
I lost almost all my high school pictures last year when my laptop fucked up (so, any kind bodies who’s reading and still have the pictures, please take the initiative..).. but I found this.. =)
Some things don’t change

Actually I mean, we still love bullying the second one from left =P
And Happy Birthday to the second one from right..
Norway trip pictures from other cameras..

Several attempts just to make the two last poses..

This is what we did, talking.. like this..
or this..
and taking pictures...

There’s one weird thing I discovered recently, I was extremely uncomfortable staying in small rooms (and i realized, i seldom stayed in small rooms before).. the cabin was really petite and only god knows how often I should get out to take fresh air.. on the way to egeskov, I was almost this close to ask the driver to stop just to catch some fresh air.. i'm not very sure what's going on though.. but now, i fear that i would have been developing fear towards small rooms.. do u think it had sth to do with the fact that i was once trapped in a lift when i was a kid?
kapan balek ke sg?
about your phobia, it might be related but then again i am no expert in that field. All I know is phobia is commonly caused by past (bad) experiences (I think =/)
I can be cured though... don't ask me how... hehe ^^;
edit: "possible phobia"
i've read abt it... but for this moment, can't be bothered dolo.. lagean kamar gw di dorm gede kok.. haha..
told mom abt ur new found phobia.. how on earth? is it scary? brace urself bui..
then explain to mom abt the lift, mom was guessing whether or not she's with u inside the lift. bleh.. I dunno u two had ever been trapped in a lift? +_+
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