Monday, May 21, 2007

Too much...

I always have a special fondness for people who are cheerful, I know that.. I am a kind who needs to be dragged into a situation, otherwise, I’ll be more than happy to send u into a time of stand still.. I can’t deny, apart from the idea that life’s not always positive, which I believe in, I’m trapped into a feeling of liking for people who are always positive.. what an irony..

But I asked myself recently, to what extent it was? an amount that’s just nice to make me fond of somebody.. words describe what we do and how we feel.. and by words, we judge how positive somebody is..

I’ve been hearing too much of positive words I just can’t stand it.. what happens to the excessive use of the oh-u’re-so-nice or the oh-u’re-so sweet? after some time, I am really getting sick of it.. If I serve somebody a cuppa tea, that’s bcos he’s a guest, not because I am very sweet.. and if I reply an sms, it’s just a courtesy, not bcos I’m very very nice.. seriously..

Maybe u think it’s bizarre that I’m bothered by such thing.. but I really think that is bizarre.. to the level that I really want to knock somebody’s head and tell him straight to his face that life’s not that positive after all.. I mean, smiles are fine.. jokes are very well accepted.. but shouldn’t them be placed only in certain circumstances? if we don’t know how to say positive things in an appropriate amount.. I’m saying if we really don’t know, isn’t it way easier to just stay silent?


Sri said...

I'm not good at cheering people up when they're down, that's a real skill ain't it? I find comfort in silence...strangely :)

Diahz90 said...

sometimes it's not that important to cheer ppl up.. once u do it wrong, u mess it up.. silence is good.. =P

Anonymous said...

*I read this!!!*
