It gives off a very strange feeling to know that somebody who seems to have almost everything everybody would ever need, feel depressed.. there’s always something to complain about.. we hear “reality hits” and we think “Aha, I actually thought that’d be the last thing to hear from u”… does everybody believe there’s something more to life regardless of what kind of life they have? a hundred people tell a hundred different kind of stories about life.. the question is, if there has got to be sth more to life, what is it?
A friend wrote “I’m 21 and I’m trying to act like one”.. how wonderful it is if our own selves could just grow without us trying too hard? I mean, natural is when the seeds grow on their own.. just water them if needed, leave the pruning shears behind.. we may just need to learn the art of doing nothing (interpret it as “less controlling”, not literally).. things may not happen if we do nothing (now, literally).. but sometimes, it’s only when we’ve stopped trying too hard and focus on one thing that the good stuffs start to happen..
I’m strangely feeling very good in this period of staring at screen all day.. no matter what it is in front of me.. a project, essay, movies or listening to music.. I’m in love with my laptop.. not in my calculator or a bloody thick heavy book full of calculus and stuffs, which btw is sitting on my desk right now, waiting to be read..
And what happened if u knew somebody else was holding the thing u thought u once loved the most? Actually nothing really happened except for the overwhelming sorrow, u might think so.. but sometimes, u just then got to realize that u no longer wanted it anymore..
ok.. this is pretty random what im about to type... but guess it fits your post title..:)
i just came back from adelaide!:).. had a great time there and since i've been back, i've been reluctant to start work and get back to reality.. work is suddenly meaningless.. like, everybody should be on holiday and that's the way it should be for a long long time...
but owell... and tonite my course starts again, and on my way home, i suddenly thought abt YOU!..and how much fun u'r having and how sucky it must be for you to 'face reality' again once u'r back here..
but the hell with that.. cos U SHOULD COME BACK SOON!!!... cos it's been too long..:D.
missing u!
you are talking in circle >_< i am confused @_@ (more like my brain refuse to take time to understand) HAHA
my presentation SUCK!!! and believe it or not... i broke down after the presentation...! (i will tell the full story when you and I are online... i bet you will think I am pathetic, but I don't want to but can't really help it at that time... BUT REALLY...don't mean to be like that T_T but what's done is done >_< (--> this is confusing ^^;))
but i am fine now... got lots of stuffs to do... I have the sleep i need to overcome my failure...and moving on to next task!
her --> nice, i think u had a good time..
wi --> haha nangis2 yah loe?? berkabung gitu abis presentation?? =P
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