I was too, like that.. i felt that i couldn't take it, to come back from school tired and should listen to my grandmother.. sometimes, she told me about the tv shows she just watched, which i had no clue at all about.. or the news she just heard, which also, i had no clue at all about.. to be frank, i was annoyed.. nonetheless, apart from all those, i missed her presence whenever i did not see her for some time.. no wonder, i had been living with her for almost my whole life.. she was the one who peeled apples and sent them to our room while we were studying.. she made sure the maids got our dinner ready before 7pm.. she took care of us whenever we were sick because our parents were at work..
Having gone through so many things, she's definitely tough.. i respect her, no matter what.. she could hardly remember what happened a year back but the amazing thing was, she remembered every single thing during the war times.. she told me the story, repeatedly.. but i did not get sick of it.. it was scary.. it was unbelievable that she survived.. and that slowly changed me.. i guessed she should be feeling lonely and bored.. why not? aged 84, spending almost all the days watching tv.. why not kept her companied for just a few hours?
Listened to her repeated stories would certainly not kill me, i told myself..
If you not already know, i'v read ur blog since ur friendster one.. dun like to comment coz need to login friendster.. Nice move, friendster just put too much ads..
and also nice writting.. keep it up, and hope to see more pictures from there :)
Hey, sumilo never comments such a nice comment in my blog. I am jealous. hehe.. Btw, I love this entry, it reminds me of my grand mother as well, well, Both! the one who has passed away and another one who is in Jakarta now. I miss both of them vr much.
When I was a kid, I used to get annoyed when my grandma who stayed in Medan kept advicing me and talking with me, sigh~~ I wish I could turn back time..
My another grandma who is now in Jkt I rarely have a chance to see and talk to her because of 'long distance relationship' =P, but once she visits us, I will accompany her and talk to her and somemore she is very pro in catching and killing mosquitos lol. (dunno what I am commenting here -_-|||)
she is a very fun and modern grandma' hehe.. Btw, miss you diah, take care there (I am sure you will).. =)
(Sorry for the long comment, huahahaha)
sumilo --> wah i didnt know that.. hehe.. hope it entertains u.. =P and how ru?? graduating soon??
jacq --> haha dont get jealous.. btw, i wrote this entry bcos i was reminded alot by the elderly here.. they like to travel and walk here and there.. haha i feel that i've seen many many of them recently.. =P take care too jacq!
Haha, because it was a good one.. and a lot of nice shot.. think you study a bit bout photography? lol
what happen here? why no pic anymore?? so few?? ^_^
I miss your house! HAHA...
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