On a bus ride to Keukenhof, in front of me were these two old ladies.. I found it interesting and i'll tell u why.. they looked just like the two teenagers who sat at the other side.. talking to each other, sometimes pointing outside the window, saying something in dutch, laughing.. taking care of each other, one asking another to be careful when alighting from the bus, holding hands at times.. not being a stalker, i bumped into them again inside the Keukenhof garden.. they were enjoying the indoor flower exhibition..
I was inside the bus with 2 friends, we did laugh at times.. and i was also inside the exhibition enjoying the beauty of the flowers.. what hit me was that, i did all that with 2 people i've known for less than a year (one of them, I just got to know that day).. and these two old ladies....... most probably they have been friends for.... 50 years maybe?? This kind of thing never failed to amaze me..
When our hair turns gray, when we need somebody to support us while walking, when we’re seventy.. we might need a good friend to do that together with us.. therefore, act as good one and find one while u breathe.. =)
hoho diah.....guess who this is... huahahaha. where have you been? ga pernah contact gue lagi.. hehehe well, you can always find me when your hair turns gray,when you start walking with a speed of 10 m/s (is that fast or slow? it's supposed to be slow haha)when you can't even recall your own name.. sampe kita jadi nenek deh pokoknya!! hohoho miss you... hiyy, jangan muntah yah hahahaha
anonymous --> i think i know who u are.. kecuali gaya2 ngomongnya uda loe ganti yeh.. haha did we chat recently?
ketek --> =)
OH MAN....apa lu tidak mengenali gue??? hahahaha, behold!! I'm Lysia the great!! muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha nope, we didnt chat recently..udah mau exam gini..jelas gue didnt even sign in to msn... hehehehe
lysia --> ai kenal yah ama yu.. haha.. tp loe make nulis "hiyy" segala yah.. gw jadi ga yakin.. sejak kapan kau pake hiy hiy getoh.. haha.. so i was thinking it's either u or my other friend.. haha.. lage mugging di study room kah?? kasian kah?? menanagis kah?? hahahaahah.. oh lysia.. next sem, we'll do that together again!
si evan bingung yah.. diah kecik itu adek gw.. ketek itu sama dengan kecil .. in case loe juga bingung.. haha
All the best.. bikin exam yg bener yeh.. =P
Love it .. ^^
hoho..kok gue ga bisa ninggalin nama gue yang keren ini yah? hahaha IYA!! gue lagi mugging di study room like there's tomorrow huhuhu dan gue masi menangis.. hahaha,tapi udah ga temen nangis,kan biasanya si ibu ketua juga suka nangis.. hahaha... huaaaaa cepetan lu orang balik sini! tapi ga boleh balik unless belu oleh2 buat gue yah!! hohoho
dasar lemot... pake option "other" kan bisa.. haha.. gw emg salut ama kelenjar aer mata loe pada.. haha
all the best again... next exam yu senen kan.. hehe
This post happens to be another favourite of mine.. it's amazing that some ppl could maintain their frenship til the rest of their life... But finding those who can be your good companions seems to be hard.. I guess I have almost lost one...
Yea such thing is always hard.. at the moment u think u have one, u will just lose it.. maybe we'll just have to keep looking.. =)
It's a part of life..
That is a tough one, to find a friend that last that long... not that is it impossible, more like, it is hard to determine where we will be 50 years from now. Earth? Heaven? Hell? Moon? haha... but it will certainly be nice. shall we make a promise? we will meet in Singapore at 17\18 march 2046? HAHAHA
hahaha shall we??
we should we should!!! That will be awesome! HAHAHA
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