How was it like?? Damnnn good.. =P
Say thanks to a carpenter who lived in Denmark long time ago who began creating wooden toys and called them LEGO.. well, to cut the story short, we went to the largest and oldest Legoland in Billund, Denmark.. there were 50 of us, but we’re kinda separated.. So nic, emel and I walked ard by ourselves.. seriously, we’re very impressed with all the Lego buildings, statues, miniatures, etc.. beware! I’m gonna tell abt the trip in details.. (just so that i won't forget in the future =P)
There were many rides inside.. so we chose the scariest ones (the only rides that fit us) first, the “MINI BOATS”.. it doesn’t sound scary, i know.. emel insisted on riding it, I asked her to just borrow somebody’s kid.. but anyway, it took us passing beautiful monuments and towns built of LEGO bricks, including Kronborg Castle, the Statue of Liberty, Osaka and the Acropolis.
“Vikings River Splash”.. we’re sitting inside a large viking river raft and swept down the river.. at the time we’re hoisted up an 8-metre-high water elevator, Emel started to scream like hell, the kid in front of me started to pray.. and then we water-fell 8 metres.. imagine how the screaming sounded like.. we took this twice..

Then we took the “X-treme Racers”.. Emel (who’s always a hero at the beginning) insisted on sitting at the front so I sat there with her while Nic sat at the back.. she screamed bloody loud until one point she did cough a lot (anyways, she’s still alive now).. the ride took us speedily up, down and around in hair-raising twists and turns.. the second time we rode that, Nic and I asked her to just sit at the back and scream.. =P
This “Lego Canoe” brought us to LEGO animals like pumas, bears, rattlesnakes, etc… and then traveled up to three levels and finished with a plunge down a waterfall at full speed.. again, we got wet..
The “Pirate Boats” where we could finally sit a bit more elegantly bcos nothing scary happened.. we sailed into Captain Roger's secret cliff cave, where the pirates are partying and fighting for the stolen jewels and treasure..

“The Dragon”.. unimpressive (that’s what happened when things were overrated initially).. just a little twists and turns with the view of life behind the scenes within an enchanted King’s Castle..
Here’s the time when we started entering the wrong places, first we’re excited about this place “DIVE to the Atlantis”.. there’s even a sign written “BOARDING every 5 minutes”.. Emel thought we’d be taking submarine.. that’s actually almost impossible I thought.. then again, in this modern world, what’s impossible?? =P
And there we were, they put us inside a room with a big-ass screen and asked us to imagine ourselves how it felt to be in a submarine, the thing was, at this age, it’s extremely hard to be that imaginative.. but anyway, we continued to see the underwater world which was quite nice..

We got into a wrong queue to “Timber Ride” fyi, it was nic’s fault.. it’s just three rounds of nothing and nothing happened and it ended just like that... just.. like… that..
Lastly was the scariest one.. the “Power Builder”.. a robot to program the exact ride we wanted.. it took us up, down and around in all kinds of crazy ways.. and when I said crazy, it’s really crazy.. Nic and I chose the combination of turns according to the numbers we liked and we ended up swearing a lot of words.. Emel, who first wanted to take lower level decided to ride the robot alone.. but she then changed to LEVEL 4 when we provoked her that she’d be the most boring person in this world if she chose LEVEL 1.. the good thing was, she didn’t swear, the bad thing was, she screamed.. and it’s fuckin loud.. =P
..and these are some pictures that i took..

That was another good day.. =) I’m definitely gonna miss denmark when I leave.. and exams? 2 down, first time in my uni life that i've passed with such flying colors.. =P (did i tell u?that's bcos i like the education system here).. so, 2 more to go..